In 1519, artist Leonardo da Vinci died at Cloux, France.
In 1670, the Hudson Bay Company was chartered by England's King Charles II.
In 1863, Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was accidentally woulded by his own men during the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Jackson died eight days later of complications resulting from his wounds.
In 1885, "Good Housekeeping" magazine was first published by Clark W. Bryan in Holyoke, Mass.
In 1890, the Oklahoma Territory was organized.
In 1932, Jack Benn's first radio show made its debut on the NBC Blue network.
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Author-activist Dr. Benjamin Spock (1903)
Actor Theodore Bikel (1924)
Singer Lesley Gore (1946)
Singer-songwriter Larry Gatlin (1948)
-- part contents for background part 17
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"One face to the world, another at home makes for misery."
Amy Vanderbilt, American etiquette expert (1908-1974)